About Spielefaible

Henning Voss

I am Henning Voss, the founder of Spielefaible.

I was born and bred in Schleswig-Holstein and love this Land Between the Seas. That is why I am especially proud that our first product, VEJEN, has a game plan that is set in our region. It was this in particular that drew my attention when I first saw and played the prototype with the game’s creators Kai Starck and Thomas Nielsen. It was obvious to me that this was the game I would use to lay the foundations of Spielefaible.

My goal is to support young creators, to boldly implement good concepts for games aficionados, and to publish fantastic games that will hopefully be fun for everyone. We also want to reawaken people’s fascination for playing board games. To this end a game should be easy to learn and, to stimulate interest, the theme should be relevant to their daily lives.

For example, with “The Open Road”, our first publication in this area, we are addressing especially bicycle enthusiasts. No-one who is a bicycle enthusiast will be able to resist playing it and they will (re)discover the fun that awaits in board games.

On this basis we intend to continually expand our games repertoire. We look forward to meeting many other enthusiasts and to making our (modest) contribution to the German board games culture. Games bring people together and help to form bonds. Or, as Friedrich Schiller said, “Man is only completely human when at play.”