Players: | 1-4 |
Playing time: | 90+ min |
Age: | 12+ |
- 13 General action cards
- 16 Action cards for the module „Brewing waste“
- 5 German replacement action cards
- 2 Setup cards
- 3 Action tiles
- 4 Extension tiles “Brewing Tower”
- 4 Extension tiles “Advertising Department”
- 6 Coop tiles
- 4 Coop tiles “Hausmarke” (House brand)
- 6 Export tiles
- 6 Litfaß tiles
- 1 Lightbulb tile
- 4 Small cellar tiles
- 28 Double-sided draff markers
- 1 Objective card “4 identical beer tiles”
- 1 End of the game tile
- 16 Automa cards
- 6 Solo setup cards
- 1 Rulebook
Wooden pieces:
- 6 Brewing dials
- 6 Green special brewing dials
- 8 Wooden export discs (2 for each player)
- 4 Railroad tokens (locomotives) (1 for each player)